17.03.2023 – 23.07.2023

“Window in the Arkas Collection” exhibition offers a comprehensive selection of paintings focusing on the layers of meaning through which the window opens, beyond considering it as an architectural element. The exhibition questions the representation of window on canvas depicted by various artists from Turkey and abroad from the 18th to 20th century.

The window has remained an omnipresent motif in art, from its role in the research of perspective to its examination from a symbolic standpoint. Painting is an artist’s window opening to the world.  In the art of painting, windows, which make the outside world a part of the interior can be interpreted in different ways; sometimes they symbolize the deepest feelings such as hope, longing or freedom, and sometimes they appear as a representation of life and existence.

“Window in the Arkas Collection” exhibition brings together the works of artists such as Jean-Léon Gérôme, Jean-Baptiste Greuze, Paul Signac, John Atkinson Grimshaw, William Adolphe Bouguereau, Henri Le Sidaner, Albert Marquet, Édouard Frédéric Wilhelm Richter, along with the works of Turkish artists from different periods such as  Hoca Ali Rıza, Şevket Dağ, Namık İsmail, Nuri İyem and Yalçın Karayağız.
